Time flies! The school year is passing by right before your eyes; and right around the corner is yet another school break to prepare for. How can I keep my child entertained while being productive and doing something that is positive, you ask? In today’s society, it has become extremely convenient and easy to take advantage of our technological advances---with our kids included. Videos games, cel phones, gaming computers… you name it, they are all around us as a convenient option to keep our kiddos busy.
But, are we really helping our kids by allowing them to play with technology for large portions of the day? Research links high screen time with developmental delays, poor sleep and obesity. During longer period school breaks, it is very easy to fall into the temptation of leaving your child with these items to make sure they are not “bored”.
This is why enrolling your child in a high quality Spring Break, Summer or Day camp can be an excellent option to keep your child active in a healthy and positive way. It is important to look for a camp that has minimal to zero screen time, and focuses on activities that help improve their motor coordination, challenges their mental and physical stamina and still provides an atmosphere of fun where they can socialize and make new friends. Face to face socialization is so important for our youth’s generation. There is a definite decline today amongst children's personal, social communication skills without their devices.
Here is an excellent checklist of questions to keep with you when choosing your Spring Break Camps, Summer Camps or Day Camps near you.
- Does the camp limit the amount of screen time?
- Does the camp provide physical activity?
- Does the camp give my child the opportunity to socialize with other children?
- Are their team building activities?
- Are their activities that mentally challenge my child?
- Do the games included have a purpose?
- Is my child learning a life skill?
- Is the camp well rounded?
- Are the staff qualified to teach my child?
- Will my child come out a more respectful person after the camp is over?